Chemistry Shots
Shot glasses for science fans These ingenious chemistry lab style shot glasses come in a handy box of four and are the perfect party accessory.
Shot glasses for fans of chemistry. These ingenious chemistry lab style shot glasses come in a handy box of four and are the perfect party accessory. The set includes four shot glasses: two beakers, one Erlenmeyer flask, and a Florence flask plus a pipette. A Great gift for budding scientists, laboratory employees, lovers of home chemistry and mixologists. Each glass has measuring lines and comfortably holds a standard 25ml which can easily be filled or mixed by using the handy pipette also included.
• Shot glasses for fans of chemistry
• Ingenious chemistry lab style shot glasses come in a handy box of four
• A great gift for budding scientists, laboratory employees, lovers of home chemistry and mixologists
• Includes four shot glasses: two beakers, one Erlenmeyer flask, and a Florence flask and a pipette
• Each shot glass has a maximum capacity of 30ml